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Thesis Defense - Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı (PHDDTS)
You are cordially invited to join the online Ph.D. thesis defense by Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 17:00. The thesis title and abstract are below.
The exam can be viewed online from the link below.
Thesis Subject: Title Sequences in Fantastic Turkish Cinema Between 1950-1985
Thesis Advisor : Asist. Prof. Dr. Metin Çavuş
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/99547263942?pwd=L3psanVXZnhJd1JSaW50Y0xta1h4QT09
Meeting ID: 995 4726 3942
Passcode: 248777
Abstract: There were 333 fantastic movies in Turkish cinema between 1950-1985. Because of the social, cultural, and economic changes during the 70s (urbanization, western-centric modernization, and Turkey’s economic relationship between the US and Europe), fantastic movie production has increased dramatically (177 fantastic movies were produced between 1970-80). Still, after the coup in 1980, with civil unrest and economic instabilities, a few fantastic movies were produced after 1982. Their title sequence designs are unique and significant examples of early Turkish motion graphics designs. They have an important role in Turkish design history because of low budget-fast production, technology-based processes, and their visual languages, characteristics, and concepts. This research examines how title sequences can be analyzed in Turkish fantastic movies between 1950-1985 and understand what the visual characteristics of these title sequences are and how these can be categorized visually. This study aims to research title sequence designs in fantastic Turkish cinema between 1950-1985 and is to historical showcase how aspects of national and cultural diversity must be accounted for in undertaking a study of design and visual culture that moves beyond the USA and Euro-centric models.
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